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Home » How to Keep Dog Entertained While at Work: Tips & Tricks [2023]

How to Keep Dog Entertained While at Work: Tips & Tricks [2023]

How to keep dog entertained while at work

Set Up a Doggy Play Area

If you’re like me, you love spending time with your furry friend. Sadly, work often gets in the way of our quality time together. That’s why I decided to create a doggy play area for my pup at work!

This designated play area is a safe space for my dog to have fun and stay entertained while I focus on work tasks. I made sure to equip this area with engaging toys, including puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, and interactive toys. These toys keep my dog mentally stimulated and occupied throughout the day.

It’s crucial to have a designated area for your pup to play, so they know when it’s time to have fun and when it’s time to relax. Make sure to take the time to create a space that is safe for your dog. You can block off this area with baby gates or a doggy fence, ensuring that they stay in the designated area while having fun.

Prioritize Exercise Before Work

When it comes to keeping my dog entertained while I’m at work, exercise is a crucial component. Before I leave for the day, I always make sure to take my furry friend for a walk or engage in some other physical activity. This helps to drain their excess energy and reduce the likelihood of destructive behavior caused by boredom.

If you don’t have time for a long walk or run, playing a game of fetch or tug-of-war can also be a great way to get your dog moving. The important thing is to ensure they are tired and ready to relax while you’re away.

Engage Your Dog with Interactive Toys

Interactive toys and puzzles can keep your furry friend entertained for hours. These toys are designed to challenge their minds and provide mental stimulation. Examples include treat-dispensing toys, puzzle boards, and interactive balls.

One of my favorite interactive toys is the Kong Classic Dog Toy. This toy can be filled with peanut butter, kibble, or any other treat to keep your dog engaged and happy. Another great option is the Outward Hound Nina Ottosson Dog Tornado Puzzle Toy. This puzzle toy challenges your dog to work out how to spin the layers to reveal the treats inside.

It’s important to rotate your dog’s toys regularly to keep their interest levels high. This way, they won’t get bored with the same toy every day. Additionally, try to find toys that are appropriate for the size and skill level of your dog. Some toys may be too difficult or too easy for your dog, which can result in frustration or boredom.

By providing engaging and interactive toys for your furry friend, you can keep them mentally stimulated and occupied throughout the day, ensuring they have a fun and entertaining time even when you’re not around.

Create a Comforting Presence

Leaving a piece of clothing with my scent can provide comfort to my dog while I’m away. My scent will help them feel more secure and reduce anxiety. I usually leave a t-shirt or a hoodie that I’ve worn recently. I place it in their bed or in their play area, so they can snuggle up to it when they need to feel close to me.

Provide Soothing Sounds

Playing calming music or white noise in the background can really create a soothing environment for my dog. These sounds can mask outside noises and provide a sense of familiarity and relaxation. I like to experiment with different genres of music to find what works best for my furry friend.

Get Help from a Professional

If you have a long workday, it can be challenging to keep your dog engaged and entertained throughout the day. In this case, consider hiring a dog walker or a pet sitter to visit your home and look after your furry friend. They can provide companionship to your dog, take them for a walk, and engage in playtime.

This additional attention and interaction can help alleviate boredom and loneliness, ensuring that your dog stays happy and healthy. Moreover, a professional dog walker or pet sitter can provide mental and physical stimulation to your dog by playing with them and taking them outside. It can also be a great way to socialize your dog with other people and pets.

So, if you’re finding it challenging to keep your dog entertained while at work, consider getting help from a professional. It not only benefits your dog’s well-being but can also ease your worries and give you peace of mind.

Socialize Your Dog

One of the best ways to keep your dog entertained and occupied while you’re at work is to socialize them with other dogs. Socialization not only provides mental stimulation but also promotes a healthier lifestyle for your furry friend.

Doggy daycare centers are an excellent option as they offer the opportunity to interact with other dogs and receive the attention and exercise they need. If you prefer, you can arrange playdates with other dog owners in your area. This can help your dog make new friends and learn how to interact with different breeds and personalities.

Socializing your dog can also help prevent boredom, anxiety, and destructive behavior caused by loneliness. It’s an effective way to keep them busy and happy while you’re away.


As a dog owner, I understand the importance of keeping our furry friends entertained and mentally stimulated while we’re at work. By following the tips mentioned above, such as setting up a doggy play area, prioritizing exercise, providing interactive toys, and getting help from professionals, we can ensure our dogs have a fun and engaging time even when we’re away.

Leaving behind a piece of clothing with our scent, playing calming music, and socializing our dogs are also effective ways to prevent boredom and anxiety. Remember, a happy and entertained dog leads to a happier and healthier lifestyle for both us and our furry companions.


Love your dog? Keep them busy and engaged while you’re away!


Q: How can I keep my dog entertained while I’m at work?

A: There are several ways to keep your dog entertained while you’re at work. Set up a designated play area with engaging toys, prioritize exercise before you leave, provide interactive toys, create a comforting presence with your scent, play soothing sounds, get help from a professional, and socialize your dog.

Q: What toys are best for keeping my dog entertained while I’m at work?

A: Toys that can keep your dog mentally stimulated are ideal. Puzzle toys, treat-dispensing toys, interactive toys, and rotating their toys regularly can help keep their interest levels high.

Q: Why is exercise important for keeping my dog busy while I’m at work?

A: Exercise is essential to drain your dog’s excess energy and prevent destructive behavior caused by boredom. Taking your dog for a walk, playing fetch, or engaging in physical activities before you leave will help them relax while you’re away.

Q: How can I provide a comforting presence for my dog while I’m at work?

A: Leaving a piece of clothing with your scent near your dog’s bed or play area can provide comfort and reduce anxiety for your dog while you’re away.

Q: Can playing soothing sounds help keep my dog entertained while I’m at work?

A: Yes, playing calming music or white noise in the background can create a soothing environment for your dog. These sounds can mask outside noises and provide a sense of familiarity and relaxation.

Q: Should I consider getting help from a professional to keep my dog busy while I’m at work?

A: If you have a long workday, hiring a dog walker or pet sitter can provide companionship, take your dog for a walk, and engage in playtime. This extra attention and interaction can help alleviate boredom and loneliness.

Q: How can socializing my dog help keep them entertained while I’m at work?

A: Socializing your dog through doggy daycare centers or arranging playdates with other dogs can provide mental stimulation and physical exercise. Being around other dogs promotes a happier and healthier lifestyle for your furry friend.

Q: What are some tips to keep my dog happy and entertained while I’m at work?

A: By creating a stimulating environment, providing interactive toys, setting up a daily exercise routine, and getting additional help if needed, you can ensure your dog has a fun and engaging time even when you’re not around. Prevent boredom, anxiety, and destructive behavior by following these tips and tricks.

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