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Home » Easy Steps on How to Undo Report Junk on iPhone – Guide

Easy Steps on How to Undo Report Junk on iPhone – Guide

how to undo report junk on iphone

Have you accidentally reported a legitimate message as junk on your iPhone? Not to worry, you can easily undo the report junk action by following these simple steps. In this guide, I’ll walk you through how to reverse the report junk feature on your iPhone and troubleshoot any issues you may encounter.

Key Takeaways:

  • To undo the report junk action on your iPhone, follow these easy steps.
  • Before undoing report junk, it’s important to understand what this feature is and how it works.
  • If you encounter any issues when undoing report junk, there are troubleshooting tips you can use to resolve the problem.
  • Following best practices can help you avoid unintentional report junk on your iPhone and keep your inbox clutter-free.

Understanding the Report Junk Feature on iPhone

As an iPhone user, you might have come across the report junk feature that appears when you swipe left on a message in your inbox. But what exactly is report junk on iPhone? Let’s take a closer look at this useful functionality.

What is Report Junk on iPhone?

Report junk is a feature that allows iPhone users to inform Apple about spam or unwanted junk messages. It helps improve the overall user experience by filtering out such messages and preventing them from reaching your main inbox.

iPhone Report Junk Feature

You can easily access report junk on iPhone by swiping left on a message in your inbox. When you tap on the report junk button, the message is sent to Apple, which then uses this information to stay ahead of spam.

Report Junk Functionality on iPhone

The report junk feature is quite straightforward and easy to use. When you report a message as junk, it is automatically moved to your junk folder. This prevents further messages from the same sender from reaching your inbox. Apple uses this information to improve spam filtering across all iOS devices.

Steps to Undo Report Junk on iPhone

Accidentally reporting a message as junk can happen to the best of us. Fortunately, undoing this action on your iPhone is a quick and straightforward process. Here’s a guide on how to undo report junk on iPhone:

Step 1: Open the Junk Folder

The first step to undoing a report junk action on your iPhone is to locate the Junk folder. Go to the Mail app on your iPhone and tap the “Mailboxes” button in the upper left-hand corner. Scroll down and locate the “Junk” folder in the list of folders. Tap on it to open the folder.

Step 2: Locate the Message You Reported as Junk

Once you’re in the Junk folder, look for the message that you reported as junk. Tap and hold the message until a menu appears.

Step 3: Undo the Report Junk Action

In the menu that appears, select “Mark as Not Junk.” This will undo the report junk action and move the message back to your inbox.

That’s it! You’ve successfully undone the report junk action on your iPhone. Remember, it’s always a good idea to review messages carefully before marking them as junk to avoid accidentally reporting important or relevant messages.

Troubleshooting Tips for Undoing Report Junk on iPhone

If you’re experiencing issues with undoing report junk on your iPhone, don’t worry; there are some troubleshooting tips you can try to resolve the problem.

Problem Solution
Report junk option not appearing for a specific message Ensure that the message is not from a contact in your address book. The report junk option is only available for messages from unknown senders.
Report junk option greyed out Check your device’s restrictions settings and ensure that the “Allow Changes” option is turned on for the “Accounts” section. You may also need to update your device’s operating system.
Report junk not working Connect to a stable Wi-Fi or cellular network and try again. If the issue persists, restart your device or contact Apple support for further assistance.

By following these troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve any issues you encounter when trying to undo report junk on your iPhone. However, if the problem persists, don’t hesitate to seek additional support from Apple.

Best Practices to Avoid Unintentional Report Junk on iPhone

Reporting junk on your iPhone is a useful feature, but making unintended reports can clutter your inbox. Here are some best practices to help you avoid unintentional report junk on your iPhone:

  • Stay alert: Always check the message before reporting it as junk. Sometimes, important messages may get marked as junk by mistake.
  • Disable automatic junk reporting: If you receive a lot of messages from unknown senders, consider turning off automatic junk reporting. This way, you can review the messages yourself and avoid marking important messages as junk.
  • Add contacts to your address book: By adding contacts to your address book, you can prevent their messages from being marked as junk. This is especially useful if you frequently receive messages from the same sender.
  • Use discretion: Only report messages as junk if they are truly unwanted or spam. Reporting legitimate messages as junk can lead to important messages being diverted to your junk folder.

By following these best practices, you can prevent unintentional report junk on your iPhone and ensure that your inbox remains clutter-free.


Hooray! You have successfully learned how to undo report junk on your iPhone. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can easily reverse any report junk actions you may have made unintentionally.

It’s important to remember that the report junk feature is designed to enhance your user experience by filtering out unwanted messages. Understanding how this feature works can help you use it effectively and avoid unnecessary reports in the future.

If you do encounter any issues when trying to undo report junk, don’t worry! We’ve provided some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome any obstacles you may face.

Lastly, follow our best practices to avoid unintentional report junk actions in the future. By doing so, you can maintain a clutter-free inbox and enjoy a seamless messaging experience on your iPhone.


Q: How do I undo a report junk action on my iPhone?

A: To undo a report junk action on your iPhone, follow these steps:
1. Open the Messages app.
2. Locate the conversation or message that you accidentally reported as junk.
3. Swipe left on the conversation or message.
4. Tap the “More” option.
5. Tap “Unjunk” to undo the report.
The conversation or message will be moved back to your main inbox.

Q: What happens when I report a message as junk on my iPhone?

A: When you report a message as junk on your iPhone, Apple receives information about the message. This helps improve the overall spam filtering system and prevents similar messages from reaching other users. The reported message is moved to the Junk folder, and you won’t receive notifications for messages from the sender. However, if you accidentally report a message as junk, you can easily undo the action using the steps mentioned above.

Q: Can I undo a report junk action for multiple messages?

A: Yes, you can undo a report junk action for multiple messages. Follow these steps:
1. Open the Messages app.
2. Go to the Junk folder.
3. Tap “Edit” at the top right corner.
4. Select the conversations or messages you want to unjunk.
5. Tap “Move” at the bottom left corner.
6. Choose the inbox or another folder to move the selected messages.
The selected messages will be moved out of the Junk folder and into the designated location.

Q: Are there any limitations to undoing a report junk action on iPhone?

A: There are a few limitations to consider when undoing a report junk action on your iPhone:
– You can only undo a report junk action for messages within the last 30 days.
– If you have deleted a conversation or message that was reported as junk, you won’t be able to undo the action.
– The undo feature is only available for messages that were reported as junk using the built-in report junk feature on iPhone.

Q: Will undoing a report junk action restore notifications for messages from the sender?

A: No, undoing a report junk action will not automatically restore notifications for messages from the sender. After unjunking a conversation or message, you will need to manually turn on notifications for that contact.
To do this, go to the Settings app on your iPhone, scroll down and tap “Notifications,” find the Messages app, and enable notifications for the specific contact or conversation.


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