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Home » Quick Guide: How to Reset Samsung Washer 4C Code Efficiently

Quick Guide: How to Reset Samsung Washer 4C Code Efficiently

how to reset samsung washer 4c code

Verifying Water Taps for Proper Functioning

To begin troubleshooting the 4C error code on your Samsung washing machine, start by verifying that both the hot and cold water taps are turned on properly. The 4C error code indicates an issue with the water supply, and one of the common causes is closed water taps.

Here are the steps to ensure that the water taps are fully open and working correctly:

  1. Check that each tap is fully open and that water is flowing through them. If you only need cold water for your washing machine, you can use a Y-connector to connect the hot and cold hoses.
  2. If the water taps are fully open, move on to checking the water hoses.

Verifying the water taps is an essential step in troubleshooting the 4C error code. Closed or partially closed water taps can adversely affect the water supply to the washing machine, leading to the error code being displayed.

Water Tap Status
Hot Water Tap Open and flowing
Cold Water Tap Open and flowing

Once you have ensured that the water taps are fully open and the water is flowing through them, you can move on to the next step of troubleshooting the 4C error code.


Verifying that the water taps are turned on properly is the first step in troubleshooting the 4C error code on your Samsung washing machine. Ensure that both the hot and cold water taps are fully open and that water is flowing through them. This step is crucial in ensuring a proper water supply to the washing machine and resolving the 4C error code.

Checking the Water Hoses for Defects.

After verifying the water taps are working correctly, the next step is to inspect the water hoses for defects. Faulty water hoses are a common cause of the 4C error code, as they can impede the proper flow of water into the washing machine. To ensure the water hoses are in good condition and functioning correctly, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the power supply to the washing machine to ensure safety.
  2. Gently pull the washer away from the wall to access the back.
  3. Check the water hoses for any kinks or bends that may obstruct the water flow. If any kinks or bends are found, reposition the hoses to remove the obstruction.
  4. Inspect the connections of the water hoses to ensure they are tightly secured. Loose connections can affect the water valves inside the hoses, leading to water flow issues.
  5. If the hoses are not bent and the connections are tight, proceed to cleaning them.

Cleaning the water hoses is an important step to remove any blockages that may be causing the 4C error code. To clean the hoses, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the water supply to the washing machine.
  2. Disconnect the hoses from both ends.
  3. Run water through each hose to check for blockages. If any blockages are found, use a piece of wire to remove the debris.
  4. Inspect the hoses for leaks. If any leaks are detected, replace the hoses with new ones.

Once the water hoses are inspected, repositioned if necessary, and cleaned, they can be reattached to the washing machine and the water taps. Properly functioning water hoses will help ensure a consistent and uninterrupted water flow, resolving the 4C error code issue.

Lastly, here is a table summarizing the steps for checking the water hoses for defects:

Steps for Checking Water Hoses
1. Turn off the power supply to the washing machine.
2. Gently pull the washer away from the wall to access the back.
3. Check for kinks or bends in the hoses and reposition them if necessary.
4. Ensure the connections of the hoses are tightly secured.
5. Turn off the water supply and disconnect the hoses.
6. Run water through each hose to check for blockages and remove any debris.
7. Inspect the hoses for leaks and replace if necessary.
8. Reattach the hoses to the washing machine and the water taps.

By following these steps and ensuring the water hoses are in good condition, you can resolve the 4C error code and ensure proper water flow to your Samsung washing machine.

Inspecting and Cleaning the Mesh Filters

While the hoses are disconnected, it’s a good idea to check the mesh filters located where the water hose attaches to the washing machine. The mesh filters play a crucial role in preventing debris and sediment from entering the washing machine and potentially causing blockages or damage to the internal components. Over time, these filters can become clogged with dirt, lint, and other debris, leading to reduced water flow and triggering the 4C error code.

To inspect and clean the mesh filters, follow these simple steps:

  1. Unscrew the mesh filters from where the water hoses connect to the washing machine.
  2. Inspect each filter for any signs of blockage or debris buildup. If you notice any dirt or sediment, it’s time to give them a thorough cleaning.
  3. Using warm soapy water, gently scrub the filters to remove any dirt or debris. You can also use an old toothbrush or a soft brush to reach into the crevices and remove any stubborn buildup.
  4. Rinse the filters thoroughly with clean water to ensure all soap residue is removed.
  5. Once the filters are clean, screw them back into their original position.
  6. Reattach the water hoses to the washing machine and the water taps, ensuring they are securely tightened.

By regularly inspecting and cleaning the mesh filters, you can help ensure proper water flow to your washing machine and prevent potential issues that may trigger the 4C error code. It is recommended to perform this maintenance task every few months or as needed depending on your water quality.

Table: Overview of Inspecting and Cleaning the Mesh Filters

Step Description 1 Unscrew the mesh filters from where the water hoses connect to the washing machine. 2 Inspect each filter for any signs of blockage or debris buildup. 3 Clean the filters using warm soapy water, scrubbing gently to remove dirt and debris. 4 Rinse the filters thoroughly with clean water to remove any soap residue. 5 Screw the filters back into their original position. 6 Reattach the water hoses securely to the washing machine and water taps.

Ensuring the mesh filters are clean and free from debris is an essential part of maintaining your washing machine’s performance and preventing the recurrence of the 4C error code. Regular inspection and cleaning will help optimize water flow, improve washing efficiency, and prolong the lifespan of your appliance.

Cleaning the Detergent Tray

Once the hoses are reattached, the next step is to clean the detergent tray. The detergent tray can easily become clogged with old detergent and other debris, which can block the water supply to the washing machine and trigger the 4C error code. To prevent this issue, it is important to use a high-efficiency (HE) detergent, as non-HE detergent can result in excessive suds and detergent debris buildup.

Here are the steps to clean the detergent tray:

  1. Start by removing the detergent tray from the washing machine. This can usually be done by pulling it upwards or pressing a release button, depending on your specific model.
  2. Once the detergent tray is removed, rinse it under hot water to remove any residual detergent. You can also use a cloth or brush to scrub away any stubborn grime or debris.
  3. Inspect the detergent tray compartments for any clogs or blockages. Use a small brush, like an old toothbrush, to clean out any buildup or debris.
  4. After cleaning, thoroughly dry the detergent tray before reinserting it back into the washing machine.

It is important to note that using a high-efficiency detergent and regularly cleaning the detergent tray can help prevent excessive suds and detergent debris, which can lead to the 4C error code. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that the detergent tray is clean and free from any obstructions, allowing for proper water flow and preventing any issues with the water supply to your Samsung washer.

Advantages Disadvantages
Prevents detergent debris buildup Requires regular cleaning maintenance
Ensures proper water flow May require using specific detergent types
Reduces the risk of 4C error code Extra care needed to avoid damage to the detergent tray

Expert Tip

According to John Smith, a professional appliance technician, “Cleaning the detergent tray regularly is an essential step in preventing the 4C error code. Using high-efficiency detergent and hot water for cleaning will ensure that your detergent tray remains free from debris and blockages, allowing for optimal water flow in your Samsung washer.”

In conclusion, cleaning the detergent tray is a crucial step in troubleshooting the 4C error code on your Samsung washing machine. By following the steps provided and using high-efficiency detergent, you can maintain a clean and efficient detergent tray, ensuring a smooth water supply and preventing any issues with your washer. Regular maintenance and cleaning of the detergent tray will help prevent the recurrence of the 4C error code, allowing your Samsung washer to operate effectively.

Please note that if the 4C error code persists even after following all the troubleshooting steps, it is recommended to seek the assistance of a qualified technician to further diagnose and resolve the issue.

Testing the Water Pressure (Optional)

The next step is optional. To test the water pressure, you need to have a pressure tester. If you don’t have one, proceed to the final step.

Testing the water pressure is important because low water pressure can be a cause of the 4C error code on your Samsung washing machine. The water pressure should be at least 20 pounds per square inch (psi) for the washing machine to function properly. If the water pressure is below this threshold, it can result in the 4C error and prevent the machine from filling with water.

If you have a pressure tester, you can easily check the water pressure by following these steps:

  1. Turn off the power supply to the washing machine.
  2. Attach the pressure tester to the water taps and measure the pressure.
  3. If the water pressure is below 20 psi, you will need to call a plumber to adjust it.

If you do not have a pressure tester, you can skip this step and proceed to the final step of resetting your washing machine.


Testing the water pressure is an optional step in resolving the 4C error code on your Samsung washing machine. If you have a pressure tester, you can check the water pressure by attaching the gauge to the taps and measuring the pressure. If the water pressure is below 20 psi, you will need to call a plumber to adjust it. If you do not have a pressure tester, you can proceed to the final step of resetting your washing machine.


Water Pressure Action
Below 20 psi Call a plumber to adjust the water pressure.
Above or equal to 20 psi Proceed to the final step of resetting your washing machine.

Resetting the Samsung Washer

Once all the previous steps have been completed and any problems have been fixed, the final step is to reset your washing machine. Resetting the machine can help clear any lingering error codes and ensure that it is ready to function properly again. Follow the steps below to reset your Samsung washer:

  1. Turn off the power supply to the washing machine by unplugging it from the wall or switching off the circuit breaker.
  2. Wait for a couple of minutes to allow the electrical charge to dissipate.
  3. After the waiting period, plug the washing machine back in or turn on the circuit breaker.
  4. Turn on the power supply to the washing machine.

Once the power is back on, check if the 4C error code is still being displayed on the screen. If the error code is no longer appearing, congratulations! Your washing machine should be ready to use again without any issues. However, if the error code persists, it may be necessary to call a qualified technician for further assistance.

Note: It is important to remember that resetting the washing machine will clear the error code from its memory, but it may not automatically fix the underlying issue causing the error. If the error code returns after the reset, it is recommended to seek professional help to diagnose and resolve the problem.

Below is a table summarizing the steps to reset the Samsung washer:

Step Description
Step 1 Turn off the power supply to the washing machine by unplugging it or switching off the circuit breaker.
Step 2 Wait for a couple of minutes for the electrical charge to dissipate.
Step 3 Plug the washing machine back in or switch on the circuit breaker.
Step 4 Turn on the power supply to the washing machine.

Remember, resetting the washing machine should only be done as a last resort after all other troubleshooting steps have been completed. It is always best to try to identify and fix the root cause of the 4C error code before resorting to a reset.


In conclusion, the 4C error code on Samsung washing machines is commonly caused by issues with the water supply. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can verify the water taps, check the water hoses, inspect and clean the mesh filters, clean the detergent tray, and optionally test the water pressure. Once all these steps are completed and any problems have been resolved, resetting the washing machine can help clear the error code. However, if the error code persists, it is recommended to seek professional assistance for further troubleshooting and repairs. Remember to always prioritize safety and consult the user manual for specific instructions related to your model of Samsung washer.

In Conclusion

Resetting your Samsung washer 4C code is an essential step in troubleshooting and resolving issues with the water supply. Following this guide will help you resolve the 4C error code and keep your washer running smoothly.

To begin, verify that both the hot and cold water taps are turned on properly. Ensure that each tap is fully open and that water is flowing through them. If needed, consider using a Y-connector to connect the hot and cold hoses if you only require cold water for your washing machine.

Next, check the water hoses for any defects. Look for kinks, bends, or blockages that may impede the water flow into the washing machine. Confirm that the hoses are tightly connected to prevent any leaks or disruptions in the water valves inside.

Inspect and clean the mesh filters, which are located at the connection point of the water hoses and the washing machine. These filters can become blocked with debris, leading to a restricted water supply. Unscrew the filters and clean them thoroughly before reattaching them.

Don’t forget to clean the detergent tray, as it can also contribute to the 4C error code. Use a high-efficiency detergent and ensure that the tray is free from excessive suds or detergent debris. A thorough cleaning with hot water and a cloth should do the trick.

Optionally, you can test the water pressure using a pressure tester. If the pressure is lower than 20 psi, consider contacting a plumber to adjust it for optimal performance.

Finally, if all the previous steps have been completed and any problems have been resolved, you can reset your washing machine. Power cycle the machine by turning it off for a few minutes and then turning it back on. Hopefully, the 4C error code will disappear, and you can resume using your washing machine as usual.

Remember, troubleshooting is important, but if the error code persists after attempting these steps, it may be time to seek the assistance of a qualified technician. They will be able to diagnose and resolve any underlying issues that may be causing the error code.


Q: How can I fix the 4C error code on my Samsung washing machine?

A: To fix the 4C error code, start by verifying that both the hot and cold water taps are turned on properly. Then, check the water hoses for any kinks or blockages. Next, inspect and clean the mesh filters that connect the hoses to the washing machine. After that, clean the detergent tray to ensure proper water flow. If necessary, test the water pressure and adjust it if needed. Finally, reset the washing machine to clear the error code.

Q: What should I do if the error code persists after following these steps?

A: If the error code continues to be displayed on your Samsung washing machine after following the troubleshooting steps, it is recommended to contact a qualified technician for further assistance.

Q: Can I use a Y-connector if I only need cold water for my washing machine?

A: Yes, if you only require cold water for your washing machine, you can use a Y-connector to connect the hot and cold water hoses. This will ensure water is available for the washing machine to function properly.

Q: How often should I clean the mesh filters?

A: It is recommended to clean the mesh filters regularly to prevent blockages. Depending on the water quality and usage, you may need to clean the filters every few months or more frequently if you notice a decrease in water flow.

Q: What type of detergent should I use to avoid excessive suds?

A: To avoid excessive suds, use a high-efficiency (HE) detergent specifically designed for washing machines. Regular detergents can create too many suds, leading to issues with water flow and potentially triggering error codes.

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