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Uncovering Where Samsung Washers Are Made – Join Me!

where are samsung washers made

Have you ever wondered where Samsung washers are made? Join me as we uncover the origin and manufacturing process of these popular household appliances.

Key Takeaways:

  • Samsung has a manufacturing facility in Newberry County, South Carolina, where they produce their washers.
  • The facility started commercial production only six months after taking possession of the plant.
  • The plant employs over 540 local workers and is expected to create nearly 1,000 local jobs by 2020.
  • Samsung’s investment in South Carolina also includes a research and development partnership with local universities.
  • The company is committed to sustainability and has been recognized for its energy-efficient washers.

Samsung’s First U.S. Manufacturing Facility in Newberry County, South Carolina

Samsung has recently established its first U.S. manufacturing facility for washers in Newberry County, South Carolina, marking a significant milestone in the production of these appliances. This state-of-the-art facility has been transformed within six months, with the help of over 800 workers, to become a hub for manufacturing ship-ready washing machines.

The facility covers an area of 151,000 square feet and houses two manufacturing and assembly lines equipped with 20 presses and 30 injection molding machines. These lines combine Samsung’s in-house components with supplied modules to create high-quality washers that are packaged for shipment to U.S. consumers. The Newberry County facility is expected to produce one million washing machines in 2018.

To celebrate the inauguration of this facility, Samsung has donated ten South Carolina-made washing machines to local non-profit organizations, including Boys Farm and the Freedom and Hope Foundation. These donations aim to support foster care services for boys in difficult family situations, as well as recreational therapy for wounded military service members and children with life-threatening diseases.

Samsung’s Commitment to South Carolina

Samsung’s investment in South Carolina goes beyond manufacturing. The company has also collaborated with the state, Clemson University, and the University of South Carolina to establish the Palmetto Consortium for Home Appliance Innovation. This research and development partnership aims to foster innovation, facilitate collaboration, and nurture the next generation of advanced manufacturing professionals in South Carolina.

Furthermore, Samsung has hired over 540 employees for the Newberry County facility, with 90% of the workforce sourced locally. By 2020, the plant is expected to create nearly 1,000 jobs in the area. Samsung’s commitment to job creation and innovation reflects its belief in the state’s workforce and its dedication to building world-class products.

In addition to the Newberry County facility, Samsung operates a customer call center in Greenville, South Carolina, supporting 800 full-time and contracted jobs. The company’s investments in the U.S. total over $10 billion, including the acquisition of HARMAN International and commitments to IoT R&D and expanding semiconductor facilities in Texas.

Key Details Facility Location Production Capacity Local Job Creation
Samsung’s First U.S. Manufacturing Facility Newberry County, South Carolina Expected to produce one million washing machines in 2018 Over 540 employees hired, with nearly 1,000 local jobs expected by 2020

The Manufacturing Process at the Newberry Plant

Let’s take a closer look at the manufacturing process at Samsung’s Newberry plant, where each component of the washers is carefully crafted and assembled. The plant, located in Newberry County, South Carolina, is Samsung’s first U.S. based home appliance manufacturing facility.

The manufacturing process starts with blank steel, which is transformed into the washer cabinets, inner tubs, and bases. The plant is equipped with two manufacturing and assembly lines, featuring 20 presses and 30 injection molding machines. These machines play a crucial role in shaping the steel and other materials into the desired washer components.

Once the components are ready, Samsung combines its in-house produced components with supplied modules to create the finished Samsung washers. These washers are packaged and prepared for shipment to consumers across the United States. In 2018 alone, Samsung plans to produce one million washing machines at the Newberry County facility, a testament to its commitment to meeting consumer demand.

It is important to note that Samsung’s manufacturing process at the Newberry plant prioritizes precision and quality. Each step is meticulously executed to ensure that the washers meet the highest standards. From cutting steel to molding components and assembling the final product, Samsung’s manufacturing process is a testament to their dedication to providing consumers with top-notch washers.

Commercial Production and Capacity at the Newberry Facility

The Newberry facility has commenced commercial production of Samsung washers, contributing to the brand’s expanding manufacturing capabilities. Located in Newberry County, South Carolina, this state-of-the-art facility is a testament to Samsung’s commitment to innovation and quality.

Since the plant’s opening, Samsung has invested in the transformation of the site, adding 151,000 square feet of space and equipping it with two manufacturing and assembly lines. These lines consist of 20 presses and 30 injection molding machines, which combine Samsung’s in-house components with supplied modules to create the final products.

With a focus on efficiency and capacity, the Newberry facility aims to produce one million washing machines in 2018. This ambitious goal is supported by a workforce of over 540 employees, 90% of whom are locally-based in Newberry County and the surrounding communities. The company plans to create nearly 1,000 local jobs by 2020, further contributing to the growth of the region.

Facility Details Capacity
Location Newberry County, South Carolina
Manufacturing Lines 2
Presses 20
Injection Molding Machines 30
Workforce 540+
Projected Jobs by 2020 Nearly 1,000

The Newberry facility not only contributes to Samsung’s production capabilities but also makes a positive impact on the local community. The company has partnered with non-profit organizations in Newberry, donating ten of the inaugural South Carolina-made washing machines to Boys Farm and the Freedom and Hope Foundation. These donations provide support to boys in difficult family situations and recreational therapy for active and retired wounded military service members and children with life-threatening diseases.

With ongoing investments in South Carolina and a commitment to creating jobs and fostering innovation, Samsung’s Newberry facility is a testament to the brand’s dedication to manufacturing excellence in the United States.

Impact on the Local Community and Job Creation

The establishment of Samsung’s manufacturing facility in Newberry County has brought about positive effects on the local community, providing employment opportunities and boosting the economy. Since the announcement of the facility in June 2017, Samsung has already hired over 540 employees, with 90 percent of them being locally-based in Newberry County and the surrounding areas. By 2020, the plant is expected to have created nearly 1,000 local jobs.

In addition to job creation, Samsung has also made efforts to support and give back to the community. To celebrate the start of commercial production, the company donated ten of the inaugural South Carolina-made washing machines to two non-profit organizations in Newberry: Boys Farm, which provides foster care services for boys in difficult family situations, and the Freedom and Hope Foundation, which offers recreational therapy activities for wounded military service members and children with life-threatening diseases.

Beyond these specific donations, Samsung’s presence in Newberry County has also had a broader impact on the local economy. The facility has added 151,000 square feet of space to the site and has invested heavily in expanding and equipping the plant. In the long-term, Samsung’s commitment to the region is expected to have a lasting effect on job stability and economic growth.

Donation and Job Creation Summary

  • Samsung’s manufacturing facility in Newberry County has created job opportunities for the community, with over 540 employees already hired and plans to reach nearly 1,000 local jobs by 2020.
  • The company has donated ten inaugural South Carolina-made washing machines to Boys Farm and the Freedom and Hope Foundation, two non-profit organizations in Newberry.
  • In addition to job creation and donations, Samsung’s investments in expanding and equipping the facility have had a positive impact on the local economy, providing stability and growth opportunities.
Beneficiaries of Donations Description
Boys Farm Provides foster care services for boys experiencing difficult family situations.
Freedom and Hope Foundation Offers recreational therapy activities for wounded military service members and children with life-threatening diseases.

Donations and Corporate Social Responsibility Efforts

As part of its commitment to giving back, Samsung has made generous donations of its inaugural South Carolina-made washing machines to local non-profit organizations, making a positive impact on the community.

Two Newberry-based non-profit organizations, Boys Farm and the Freedom and Hope Foundation, were selected to receive ten of the first South Carolina-made washing machines. Boys Farm provides foster care services for boys in difficult family situations, while the Freedom and Hope Foundation offers recreational therapy activities for wounded military service members and children with life-threatening diseases through fishing and hunting experiences. Samsung’s donations to these organizations aim to support their respective missions and help improve the lives of those they serve.

In addition to these donations, Samsung has also pledged to provide an inaugural washing machine to the Newberry County museum as a lasting memorial to the historic day in South Carolina. This commitment further demonstrates Samsung’s dedication not only to local community organizations but also to preserving the significance of their presence in Newberry County.

Table: Samsung’s Donations

Recipient Number of Washing Machines Donated Mission/Activities
Boys Farm 10 Provides foster care services for boys in difficult family situations
Freedom and Hope Foundation 10 Offers recreational therapy activities for wounded military service members and children with life-threatening diseases
Newberry County museum 1 Preserves the historic significance of the South Carolina-made washing machines

Through its donations and corporate social responsibility efforts, Samsung aims to make a positive difference in the local community by supporting organizations that address important social and health challenges. By investing in the well-being of the community, Samsung showcases its commitment not only to manufacturing high-quality products but also to being a responsible corporate citizen.

Future Plans and Innovations

Samsung is committed to continuous innovation and plans to further expand its washer manufacturing capabilities, driving advancements in the industry. With the success of its first U.S. manufacturing facility in Newberry, South Carolina, Samsung aims to build on this foundation and create cutting-edge technologies that enhance the performance and efficiency of its washers.

One of Samsung’s future goals is to optimize the manufacturing process at the Newberry plant. By streamlining production and implementing efficient techniques, Samsung aims to increase productivity and reduce waste. This will not only improve the overall manufacturing process but also contribute to environmental sustainability.

“Our ambition is for South Carolina to become Samsung’s U.S. hub for every stage in the home appliance lifecycle—from concept and R&D to manufacturing, quality assurance, distribution, and customer care,” said Tim Baxter, President and CEO of Samsung Electronics North America.

In terms of product innovations, Samsung is investing in research and development to introduce advanced features and technologies to its washers. This includes enhancing the washing performance, introducing smart functionalities, and improving energy efficiency. Samsung aims to create washers that deliver superior cleaning results while also being environmentally friendly.

Innovation in Washing Performance

Samsung is actively working on technologies that enhance the washing performance of its washers. This includes the development of advanced cleaning technologies that remove tough stains and ensure thorough cleaning. By incorporating features like steam cleaning and specialized wash cycles, Samsung aims to provide users with exceptional cleaning results.

Smart Functionality

Smart functionality is another area of focus for Samsung. By integrating Wi-Fi connectivity and compatibility with virtual assistants like Bixby, Alexa, and Google Assistant, Samsung washers can be controlled and monitored remotely using smartphones or voice commands. This allows users to conveniently start or stop cycles, receive cycle notifications, and even diagnose and troubleshoot issues using the SmartThings app.

Energy Efficiency

Samsung is committed to environmental sustainability and energy efficiency. The company is continuously researching and implementing technologies that reduce water and energy consumption in its washers. This includes features like load sensing, which optimizes water usage based on the size of the load, as well as energy-efficient motors and advanced insulation to reduce energy consumption during operation.

With its focus on continuous innovation, Samsung aims to stay at the forefront of washer manufacturing and deliver products that meet the evolving needs of consumers while minimizing environmental impact.

Innovation Description
Advanced Cleaning Technologies Samsung is working on technologies that remove tough stains and ensure thorough cleaning.
Smart Functionality Samsung washers can be controlled and monitored remotely using smartphones or voice commands.
Energy Efficiency Samsung is implementing technologies to reduce water and energy consumption in its washers.

In Conclusion

In conclusion, the establishment of Samsung’s manufacturing facility in Newberry County, South Carolina, showcases the brand’s dedication to producing high-quality washers in the United States.

With the start of commercial production at the Newberry plant, Samsung has demonstrated its commitment to innovation and creating jobs in the local community. The facility, which began production only six months after its opening, is equipped with state-of-the-art manufacturing and assembly lines, ensuring the production of ship-ready washing machines.

Not only has Samsung invested in the facility and created over 540 jobs, but it has also focused on giving back to the community. To commemorate the historic day, Samsung has donated ten washing machines to non-profit organizations in Newberry, including Boys Farm and the Freedom and Hope Foundation, which provide services to boys in difficult family situations and recreational therapy for military service members and children with life-threatening diseases, respectively.

Looking ahead, Samsung has plans to further expand its presence in South Carolina and the United States. The company aims to make the Newberry facility its U.S. hub for the entire home appliance lifecycle, from concept and research and development to manufacturing and customer care. Additionally, Samsung has formed a research and development partnership with the state of South Carolina, Clemson University, and the University of South Carolina to foster innovation and collaborate on advanced manufacturing.

In summary, Samsung’s manufacturing facility in Newberry County, South Carolina, not only represents the brand’s commitment to producing high-quality washers in the United States, but also its dedication to creating jobs, giving back to the community, and driving innovation in the home appliance industry. With its future plans and partnerships, Samsung is poised to continue its success in washer manufacturing and contribute to the local economy.


Q: Where are Samsung washers made?

A: Samsung washers are produced at the company’s manufacturing facility in Newberry County, South Carolina, USA.

Q: How many washing machines will Samsung produce at the Newberry County facility?

A: Samsung plans to produce one million washing machines at the Newberry County facility in 2018.

Q: What is the capacity of the Newberry facility?

A: The Newberry facility has been expanded to 151,000 square feet and includes two manufacturing and assembly lines with 20 presses and 30 injection molding machines.

Q: How many jobs has Samsung created through the Newberry facility?

A: Samsung has already hired over 540 employees for the Newberry facility and plans to have nearly 1,000 local jobs by 2020.

Q: What non-profit organizations have received donations from Samsung?

A: Samsung has donated ten washing machines to Boys Farm and the Freedom and Hope Foundation, two non-profit organizations based in Newberry.

Q: What are Samsung’s future plans and innovations in washer manufacturing?

A: Samsung aims for the Newberry facility to become its U.S. hub for every stage in the home appliance lifecycle, including concept, R&D, manufacturing, distribution, and customer care.

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