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Home » Step-by-Step Guide: How to Close Apps on iPad Air

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Close Apps on iPad Air

how to close apps on ipad air

If you’re wondering how to close apps on your iPad Air and reclaim some valuable screen space, you’ve come to the right place. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you different methods to help you declutter your device and improve its performance. Whether you prefer double-tapping the Home button, using the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously, or deleting apps from the Home screen, we’ve got you covered.

Key Takeaways:

  • Method 1: Double-tap the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access recently-used apps and close them.
  • Method 2: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears to forcefully shut down unresponsive apps.
  • Method 3: Long-press an app on the Home screen until it starts wiggling, then tap the “X” to delete it.
  • Apps in the recent apps list are not actually running but kept in a suspended state for quick access.
  • Only force-close apps that have become unresponsive.

Now, let’s dive into each method in detail and learn how to close apps on your iPad Air.

Method 1: Double-tap the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen.

The easiest way to close apps on your iPad Air is to double-tap the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen if you’re using a newer iPad model. This action will bring up the recently-used apps screen, where you can easily navigate through your open apps.

To close an app, simply swipe left or right until you find the app you want to close. Once you’ve located it, swipe up on the app to remove it from the list. You can close multiple apps at once by swiping up on multiple apps in the same motion.

Once you’ve closed all the desired apps, press the Home button to return to the Home screen. Your iPad Air will now be free of any unnecessary apps running in the background, which can help improve its performance and save battery life.


“Closing apps on my iPad Air has never been easier! Just double-tap the Home button, swipe up on the apps I want to close, and my device feels fresh and ready for the next task.”

Method 2: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously.

If an app on your iPad Air becomes unresponsive or freezes, you may need to force-close it using this method. First, locate the Sleep/Wake button, which is usually located on the top or side of your device. You’ll also need to find the Home button, which is located on the front of your iPad.

To force-close an app, press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously. Continue holding them until the Apple logo appears on the screen. Once the logo appears, release the buttons. Your iPad Air will then restart, and the unresponsive app should be closed.


“When an app on my iPad Air stops responding, I know I can rely on the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons to get it back on track. It’s a quick and effective way to close troublesome apps and get back to using my device.”

Method 3: Deleting apps from the Home screen.

If you no longer want to use a specific app on your iPad Air, you can also choose to delete it from your device entirely. To do this, locate the app on your Home screen and press and hold it until all the apps start wiggling.

If you have multiple Home screens, you can switch between them by swiping left or right. Once you’ve found the app you want to delete, look for a small “X” in the corner of the app icon. Tap on the “X,” and a prompt will appear asking if you want to delete the app. Confirm your decision by tapping “Delete.”

Keep in mind that deleting an app will remove it from your iPad Air completely. If you want to use the app again in the future, you can always re-download it from the App Store.


“Whenever I need to free up space or remove an app I no longer use, I simply press and hold the app icon on my iPad Air. It’s as easy as tapping the ‘X’ and saying goodbye to apps I no longer need.”

Understanding the recent apps list and suspended state.

It’s important to note that the recently-used apps list on your iPad Air does not necessarily mean that the apps are actively running in the background. Instead, they are kept in a suspended state for quick access and seamless multitasking.

Apps in a suspended state consume minimal resources and are ready to resume where you left off when you open them again. Unless an app becomes unresponsive or experiences issues, there’s usually no need to force-close it from the recent apps list.

However, if you encounter an app that is frozen or not responding as expected, you can use the methods mentioned above to force-close the app and relaunch it for a fresh start.

Enjoy a clutter-free iPad Air experience.

Closing apps on your iPad Air not only helps declutter your device but also improves its performance. By following these simple methods, you can easily close apps, free up system resources, and enhance the overall user experience on your iPad Air.

Remember to utilize the different methods based on your specific needs, whether it’s closing one app at a time, force-closing unresponsive apps, or deleting apps you no longer use. Keep your iPad Air running smoothly and enjoy a clutter-free experience!

Method Description
Method 1 Double-tap the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access the recently-used apps and swipe up on the apps to close.
Method 2 Press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears to force-close unresponsive apps.
Method 3 Delete apps from the Home screen by pressing and holding the app icon, tapping the “X,” and confirming the deletion.

Method 2: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously.

If an app on your iPad Air becomes unresponsive and you need to force-close it, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button on your iPad Air.
  2. Press and hold both buttons simultaneously. Keep holding them until you see the Apple logo appear on the screen.
  3. Once the Apple logo appears, release the buttons.
  4. Wait for your iPad Air to finish booting up.

This method is particularly useful when apps are frozen or not responding properly. By forcing a restart, you can resolve any temporary software glitches that may be causing the app to malfunction.

Remember, force-closing apps should be a last resort. It’s generally recommended to keep apps in the recent apps list, as they are kept in a suspended state for quick access. Force-closing apps too frequently can negatively impact your device’s performance.

Now that you know how to force-close unresponsive apps on your iPad Air, you have another troubleshooting tool at your disposal. Use it wisely and enjoy a seamless user experience on your device.

Key Takeaways:
  • Press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously to force-close unresponsive apps on iPad Air.
  • Wait for the Apple logo to appear and your device to finish booting up before using it again.
  • Force-closing apps should be a last resort; apps in the recent apps list are suspended for quick access.
  • Be mindful of force-closing apps too frequently, as it can impact your device’s performance.

Method 3: Deleting apps from the Home screen

Another way to close apps on your iPad Air is by deleting them directly from the Home screen. This method is especially useful if you want to permanently remove an app from your device. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Start by locating the app you want to close on your Home screen.
  2. Press and hold the app icon until all the apps on your screen start wiggling.
  3. Switch between Home screens if needed to find the app.
  4. Tap the “X” in the corner of the app you want to delete. A confirmation message will pop up.
  5. Confirm your action by tapping “Delete.” Please note that once you delete an app, all its data will be permanently removed from your iPad Air.
  6. If you change your mind and want to reinstall the app, you can download it again from the App Store.

By deleting apps from your Home screen, you can free up storage space and keep your device organized. It’s a great way to declutter your iPad Air and ensure optimal performance.

Remember that while apps appear in the recent apps list, they are not actually running but are kept in a suspended state for quick access. Only force-close apps that have become unresponsive, as unnecessary closing of apps may impact battery life and system performance.

Method Steps
Method 1: Double-tap the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
Method 2: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously.
Method 3: Delete apps from the Home screen.

By following these methods, you can easily close apps on your iPad Air, keeping your device running smoothly and optimizing its performance. Choose the method that works best for you and enjoy a clutter-free iPad experience!

Understanding the Recent Apps List and Suspended State

It’s important to understand the functionality of the recent apps list on your iPad Air to determine when it’s appropriate to force-close an app. The recent apps list allows you to quickly switch between recently-used apps without having to reopen them from scratch. When you switch to a different app, the previous app is placed in a suspended state, where it remains in the background, ready to be accessed instantly when you return to it.

This suspended state is designed to enhance the performance and efficiency of your iPad Air. It allows you to seamlessly multitask and switch between apps without experiencing any delays or loss of data. The suspended apps are not actively running in the background, consuming system resources. Instead, they are temporarily frozen, saving memory and battery life.

With this knowledge, you may be wondering when it’s appropriate to force-close an app. Generally, there is no need to force-close apps regularly. They can remain in the recent apps list indefinitely without causing any negative impact on your device’s performance. However, there are situations where force-closing an app becomes necessary.

If an app becomes unresponsive, freezes, or crashes frequently, force-closing it can help resolve the issue. By force-closing the app, you ensure that it starts fresh when you reopen it, potentially eliminating any glitches or bugs that were causing the problem. Additionally, closing unused apps can free up memory and improve the overall performance of your iPad Air.

Method Description
Double-tap Home button or swipe up (no Home button) Access recently-used apps and swipe up to close them
Press and hold Sleep/Wake and Home buttons Forcefully shut down unresponsive apps
Long-press app on Home screen and tap “X” Delete apps from the iPad Air

To summarize, understanding the functionality of the recent apps list is essential for effectively managing your iPad Air’s app usage. While force-closing apps is not always necessary, it can be beneficial in specific situations such as dealing with unresponsive apps or optimizing device performance. By leveraging the methods mentioned above, you can easily close apps and maintain a clutter-free and efficient iPad Air experience.

Conclusion: Enjoy a clutter-free iPad Air experience.

By following these simple steps and understanding when to close apps on your iPad Air, you can enjoy a smoother and more efficient device. Using the various methods mentioned in this article, you can easily declutter your iPad Air and improve its overall performance.

Remember, the first method is to double-tap the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access the recently-used apps. Swipe left and right to find the app you want to close, then swipe up on the app. Press the Home button to return to the Home screen.

The second method involves pressing and holding the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously until you see the Apple logo. This is useful when apps become unresponsive and need to be forcibly shut down.

Lastly, you can close apps by deleting them from the Home screen. Simply press and hold any app until they start wiggling, switch between Home screens if needed, tap the “X” in the corner of the app you want to delete, and confirm by tapping “Delete.”

It’s important to note that apps in the recent apps list are not actually running but are kept in a suspended state for quick access. You should only force-close apps that have become unresponsive. By regularly closing apps and keeping your iPad Air free from unnecessary clutter, you can optimize its performance and enjoy a seamless user experience.


In conclusion, closing apps on your iPad Air is a simple and effective way to declutter your device, improve performance, and ensure a seamless user experience.

To close apps on iPad Air, you have several options. The first method involves double-tapping the Home button or swiping up from the bottom of the screen (for iPads without a Home button) to access the recently-used apps. Swipe left and right to find the app you want to close, then swipe up on the app. Press the Home button to return to the Home screen.

Another method is to press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears. This method is useful when apps are unresponsive and need to be forcibly shut down. Once the logo appears, release the buttons and wait for your iPad to finish booting up.

You can also delete apps from the Home screen to close them. Simply press and hold any app icon until the apps start wiggling. Switch between Home screens if needed. Tap the “X” in the corner of the app you want to delete, and confirm by tapping “Delete.” If you ever need the app again, you can always download it from the App Store.

It’s important to note that apps in the recent apps list are not actually running. They are kept in a suspended state for quick access. Therefore, you should only force-close apps that have become unresponsive. Closing apps on your iPad Air will help free up memory, improve overall performance, and enhance your user experience.


Q: How do I close apps on my iPad Air?

A: There are several methods you can use to close apps on your iPad Air. You can double-tap the Home button or swipe up from the bottom of the screen to access the recently-used apps and swipe up on the app you want to close. You can also press and hold the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears. Another method is to long-press an app on your Home screen until it starts wiggling, then tap the “X” to delete it. Choose the method that works best for you!

Q: When should I force-close apps on my iPad Air?

A: You should only force-close apps on your iPad Air if they have become unresponsive. In most cases, apps in the recently-used apps list are kept in a suspended state for quick access and do not consume significant resources. Force-closing apps unnecessarily may actually decrease performance and battery life. Only force-close apps that are not functioning properly.

Q: Can I download deleted apps again?

A: Yes, if you delete an app from your Home screen, you can download it again from the App Store if needed. Simply search for the app in the App Store and tap the “Download” or “Get” button. Keep in mind that deleting an app will also delete any data associated with it, so make sure to back up any important information before deleting.

Q: How do I know if an app is unresponsive?

A: An app may be unresponsive if it freezes or crashes frequently, becomes slow or unresponsive to touch inputs, or displays error messages. If you are experiencing any of these issues, it may be necessary to force-close the app. Otherwise, most apps should work fine without needing to be closed manually.

Q: Will closing apps improve the performance of my iPad Air?

A: While force-closing apps may temporarily free up some system resources, it is generally unnecessary and may not have a significant impact on the overall performance of your iPad Air. iOS is designed to manage apps efficiently, and force-closing apps may even decrease performance and battery life. It is best to only close apps that are unresponsive or causing issues.

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