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Home » Why Your iPhone Gets Hot When Charging – We Explain!

Why Your iPhone Gets Hot When Charging – We Explain!

iphone gets hot when charging

Have you ever wondered why your iPhone gets hot when you plug it in to charge? If so, you’re not alone. Many iPhone users experience this common issue, and in this article, we are here to provide you with the answers you need.

When you charge your iPhone, heat is generated in the power source, the charger circuit, and the battery. The faster the charging, the more heat is produced. This is particularly relevant for the iPhone 13, which boasts the fastest charging capability of any iPhone, making it more susceptible to heating up during the charging process.

Another factor that can contribute to your iPhone getting hot is wireless charging with MagSafe. While convenient, wireless charging is not as efficient as charging with a cord, leading to increased heat generation.

To mitigate overheating, ensure you’re using a high-quality charging cable. This will help prevent excessive heating and potential damage to your iPhone. Charging your device in a cool environment and managing background app refresh can also help reduce the risk of overheating.

If your iPhone consistently gets too hot while charging, it may be a sign of underlying hardware issues, and it’s advisable to seek professional assistance to diagnose and address any potential problems.

Key Takeaways:

  • Charging generates heat in the power source, charger circuit, and battery.
  • The iPhone 13’s fast charging capability can contribute to increased heat generation.
  • Wireless charging with MagSafe is less efficient and can cause your iPhone to heat up.
  • Using a high-quality charging cable is crucial to prevent excessive heating.
  • Charging in a cool environment and managing background app refresh can help reduce overheating.

The Science Behind iPhone Heating Issues

To understand why your iPhone heats up while charging, let’s explore the science behind it. When you charge your iPhone, heat is generated in various components, including the power source, charger circuit, and battery. The charging process involves converting electrical energy into chemical energy, which is stored in the battery. This energy conversion creates some inefficiencies, resulting in the generation of heat.

The rate at which the heat is generated depends on the charging speed. The faster the charging, the more heat is produced. This is particularly relevant for the iPhone 13, which features the fastest charging capability among all iPhone models. Due to its ability to charge at higher speeds, the iPhone 13 may generate more heat during the charging process compared to previous models.

Another factor that can contribute to iPhone heating issues is wireless charging, especially when using MagSafe. Wireless charging is generally less efficient than charging with a cord, which means more energy is lost as heat. The MagSafe system, though convenient, can cause additional heating due to the induction process involved in wirelessly transferring power to the iPhone.

To prevent excessive heating, it is essential to use a high-quality charging cable that can handle the power output and minimize energy loss. Charging your iPhone in a cool environment can also help dissipate heat more effectively. Additionally, managing background app refresh, which reduces the load on the device’s processor, can contribute to keeping your iPhone cool while charging.

Table: Factors Contributing to iPhone Heating Issues

Factors Impact
Charging Speed Higher charging speeds generate more heat
Wireless Charging Less efficient than charging with a cord, leading to increased heat
MagSafe Induction process in wirelessly transferring power generates additional heat
Charging Cable Using a high-quality cable reduces energy loss and minimizes heat generation
Environment Charging in a cool environment aids heat dissipation
Background App Refresh Managing background app refresh reduces processor load and heat generation

If you find that your iPhone consistently gets too hot while charging, it may indicate underlying hardware issues. In such cases, seeking professional help is recommended to ensure proper diagnosis and resolution of any potential problems.

Causes of iPhone Overheating

There are several factors that can contribute to your iPhone overheating when it’s being charged. Understanding these causes can help you prevent excessive heat and ensure the longevity of your device.

1. High charging speed

One of the primary reasons for iPhone overheating is the high charging speed. The faster your iPhone charges, the more heat is generated. This is especially true for the latest model, the iPhone 13, which boasts the fastest charging capability among all iPhones. While fast charging is convenient, it’s essential to monitor the temperature of your device and disconnect the charger if it becomes excessively hot.

2. Wireless charging with MagSafe

Using wireless charging with MagSafe can also cause your iPhone to heat up. Although it offers convenience and eliminates the need for cables, wireless charging is less efficient than charging with a cord. The energy transfer between the charger and the iPhone generates heat, resulting in elevated temperatures. To mitigate this, consider using a wired charger when possible.

3. Low-quality charging cables

Another cause of iPhone overheating is using low-quality charging cables. Cheap or damaged cables can lead to increased resistance, causing heat to build up during charging. To prevent this, invest in high-quality cables that are MFi-certified (Made for iPhone). These cables are designed to deliver optimal power and reduce the risk of overheating.

In addition to these main causes, other factors that can contribute to iPhone overheating include charging in a hot environment, running apps in the background, and performing resource-intensive tasks while charging. To keep your iPhone cool, it’s important to charge it in a cool and well-ventilated area, close unnecessary apps, and limit intensive activities during charging.

Causes of iPhone Overheating Solutions
High charging speed Monitor temperature, disconnect charger if too hot
Wireless charging with MagSafe Consider using a wired charger
Low-quality charging cables Invest in MFi-certified cables
Charging in a hot environment Charge in a cool and well-ventilated area
Running apps in the background Close unnecessary apps during charging
Performing resource-intensive tasks Avoid resource-intensive activities during charging

Charging Tips to Keep Your iPhone Cool

If you want to prevent your iPhone from getting hot while charging, follow these helpful tips:

  1. Use a high-quality charging cable: Using a cheap or damaged charging cable can lead to poor charging efficiency and increased heat generation. Invest in a reliable, Apple-certified cable to ensure optimal charging performance and reduce the risk of overheating.
  2. Charge in a cool environment: Heat is a major contributor to iPhone overheating during charging. To minimize heat buildup, avoid charging your iPhone in direct sunlight or in hot environments. Instead, find a cool, well-ventilated area to charge your device.
  3. Manage background app refresh: Background app refresh is a feature that allows apps to update their content in the background, even when you’re not using them. While this can be convenient, it can also consume battery power and generate excess heat. To prevent overheating, go to the Settings app on your iPhone, select “General,” then “Background App Refresh,” and disable it for apps that you don’t frequently use.

Additionally, here’s a table summarizing the charging tips:

Tips Benefits
Use a high-quality charging cable Ensures optimal charging performance
Charge in a cool environment Minimizes heat buildup
Manage background app refresh Reduces battery consumption and heat generation

Remember, while these tips can help prevent your iPhone from getting too hot while charging, it’s important to monitor your device for any signs of persistent overheating. If you notice that your iPhone consistently gets too hot or experiences other charging problems, it may be a sign of underlying hardware issues. In such cases, seeking professional help from an authorized Apple service provider is recommended.

The Impact of iPhone Models and Charging Methods

If you’ve ever noticed that your iPhone gets hot while charging, you’re not alone. This is a common issue that many iPhone users experience. But did you know that the specific iPhone model you have and the charging method you use can affect how much heat is generated during the charging process? Let’s explore the impact of iPhone models and charging methods on heat generation.

The iPhone 13, the latest addition to the iPhone lineup, boasts the fastest charging capability of any iPhone. While this is great for getting your phone juiced up quickly, it also means that more heat is produced during the charging process. So, if you’re using an iPhone 13, it’s normal for your device to feel warmer than previous models while charging.

In addition to the iPhone model, the charging method you use can also impact heat generation. Wireless charging with MagSafe, for example, may cause your iPhone to heat up more compared to charging with a cord. This is because wireless charging is generally less efficient, resulting in more energy being converted into heat. So, if you prefer the convenience of wireless charging, keep in mind that it may contribute to your iPhone feeling warmer while charging.

To help prevent excessive heating, it’s important to use a high-quality charging cable. A good cable not only allows for efficient charging but also reduces the risk of overheating. Additionally, charging your iPhone in a cool environment and managing background app refresh can further minimize heat generation. These simple practices will not only help keep your device cool but also extend the lifespan of your iPhone battery.

Impact Factors Heat Generation
iPhone 13’s fastest charging capability Increased heat
Wireless charging with MagSafe Elevated heat
Using a high-quality charging cable Reduced heat
Charging in a cool environment Decreased heat
Managing background app refresh Lowered heat


Understanding why your iPhone gets hot when charging can help you take steps to prevent overheating and prolong your device’s lifespan. If you’ve ever noticed that your iPhone gets hot while charging, you’re not alone. This is a common issue that many iPhone users experience. But why does it happen?

Well, when you charge your iPhone, it generates heat in the power source, the charger circuit, and the battery. The faster the charging, the more heat is generated. The iPhone 13, in particular, has the fastest charging capability of any iPhone, so it may get hotter than other models. Additionally, wireless charging with MagSafe can also cause the iPhone to heat up because it is less efficient than charging with a cord.

Using a high-quality cable is important to prevent excessive heating. It’s also worth noting that charging your iPhone in a cool environment and avoiding background app refresh can help reduce overheating. These simple steps can make a big difference in keeping your iPhone cool while charging.

If your iPhone consistently gets too hot while charging, it may be worth seeking professional help to diagnose any potential hardware issues. Overheating can be a sign of underlying problems with your iPhone’s battery or charging circuit. By addressing these issues early on, you can avoid further damage and ensure the longevity of your device.


Q: Why does my iPhone get hot when charging?

A: When you charge your iPhone, it generates heat in the power source, the charger circuit, and the battery. The faster the charging, the more heat is generated. The iPhone 13, in particular, has the fastest charging capability of any iPhone, so it may get hotter than other models.

Q: Does wireless charging with MagSafe make the iPhone heat up more?

A: Yes, wireless charging with MagSafe can cause the iPhone to heat up because it is less efficient than charging with a cord. Using a high-quality cable is important to prevent excessive heating.

Q: How can I prevent my iPhone from overheating while charging?

A: Charging your iPhone in a cool environment and avoiding background app refresh can help reduce overheating. Additionally, using a high-quality charging cable and managing your charging habits can also help prevent your iPhone from getting too hot.

Q: Should I be concerned if my iPhone consistently gets too hot while charging?

A: If your iPhone consistently gets too hot while charging, it may be worth seeking professional help to diagnose any potential hardware issues. It’s always better to be safe and have a professional check your device for any underlying problems.

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