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Home » Step-by-Step Guide: How to Dry Charging Port iPhone 11

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Dry Charging Port iPhone 11

how to dry charging port iphone 11

Today, I will guide you through the step-by-step process of drying the charging port on your iPhone 11 to ensure proper functionality and prevent any potential damage.

Key Takeaways:

  • Disconnect your iPhone 11 from any cables before starting the drying process.
  • Gently tap the phone to coax out any liquid from the charging port.
  • Leave the phone in a dry area with sufficient airflow for at least 30 minutes.
  • Test for the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message after drying, and repeat the process if necessary.
  • Avoid using external heat sources or compressed air, inserting foreign objects, or relying on rice to dry the charging port.

Disconnect Your Phone and Tap Gently

The first step to drying your iPhone 11’s charging port is to disconnect it from any cables and gently tap the phone, allowing any excess liquid to drain out.

This simple action can help to dislodge any moisture that may be trapped inside the charging port, preventing it from causing further damage. By disconnecting your phone and tapping it gently, you create a small amount of vibration that can help coax out the liquid. It’s important to do this with the Lightning connector facing downward to facilitate the drainage process.

“Disconnecting your phone and tapping it gently can remove any trapped liquid from the charging port.”

If you’ve recently encountered a wet charging port, this step is crucial in the drying process. By performing it as soon as possible, you increase the chances of successfully drying your iPhone and restoring its normal functionality. Remember to be gentle while tapping to avoid causing any damage to the delicate components of your device.

Do: Don’t:
  • Disconnect your phone from any cables
  • Tap the phone gently with the Lightning connector facing downward
  • Use excessive force while tapping
  • Insert foreign objects into the charging port

“Disconnecting your phone and tapping it gently should be done as soon as possible to prevent further damage to your iPhone 11.”

Leave in a Dry Area with Sufficient Airflow

After tapping the phone, place your iPhone 11 in a dry area with good airflow for at least 30 minutes to allow any remaining moisture to evaporate. This step is crucial in ensuring that the charging port is thoroughly dried and free from any moisture that could potentially cause damage.

To create an ideal drying environment, find a well-ventilated area in your home or office. Avoid placing your iPhone 11 near sources of heat, such as radiators or direct sunlight, as excessive heat can harm the device. Instead, choose a cool, dry spot that will facilitate the natural evaporation process.

If you have a desk fan or a hairdryer with a cool setting, you can also use these tools to enhance airflow around your device. However, make sure to keep the fan or hairdryer at a safe distance to prevent any accidental damage.

Remember that patience is key during this step. Allowing your iPhone 11 to dry thoroughly will help ensure that it functions properly and reduces the risk of long-term damage.

Test for Message Persistence and Repeat if Necessary

Once the designated drying time is up, connect your iPhone 11 to a Lightning cable or accessory to check if the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message disappears. If it still persists, don’t worry there are additional steps you can take.

  1. Inspect the charging port and make sure there is no visible moisture.
  2. If the charging port appears dry but the message persists, try using a different Lightning cable or accessory to see if the issue lies with the cable rather than the charging port.
  3. If the new cable or accessory still triggers the message, gently clean the charging port with a soft, lint-free cloth or a small brush to remove any debris or residue that may be causing the problem.
  4. After cleaning, repeat the previous steps of disconnecting your phone, tapping gently, and allowing it to dry in a dry area with sufficient airflow. Sometimes, residual moisture or debris may require additional drying and cleaning.
  5. If the issue persists after repeating the steps and allowing for additional drying time, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance or visit an authorized service center for further evaluation and repair.

Remember, patience is key when drying a wet charging port. It’s important to give the area ample time to dry and to avoid forcing anything into the port, as this can cause damage. By following these steps and exercising caution, you can increase the chances of restoring connectivity to your iPhone 11.

Common Mistakes to Avoid
Using excessive force or sharp objects to clean the charging port
Using heat sources, such as a hairdryer, to dry the port
Using compressed air to blow into the charging port
Leaving the phone in a bag of rice

Expert Quote:

“When dealing with a wet charging port, it’s crucial to avoid using extreme measures or unreliable drying methods. Patience, gentle tapping, and allowing for adequate drying time are key to resolving the issue without causing further damage.” iPhone Repair Specialist

Remember to always exercise caution and prioritize your safety when dealing with wet electronic devices. If you’re unsure or uncomfortable with the drying process, it’s best to consult a professional for assistance.

1. Test if the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message disappears after the designated drying time.
2. Inspect the charging port for moisture and try using a different cable or accessory.
3. Clean the charging port if necessary and repeat the drying process.
4. Seek professional assistance if the issue persists.

Avoid Actions that Can Damage Your Device

To ensure the safety of your iPhone 11, it’s crucial to avoid certain actions that may cause further damage to the charging port. Here are some important steps to follow:

  1. Do not dry your iPhone using an external heat source or compressed air: While it may be tempting to use a hairdryer or a can of compressed air to speed up the drying process, it can actually cause more harm than good. The heat can potentially damage the delicate components inside your device, and the forceful airflow may push liquid further into the charging port.
  2. Do not insert foreign objects into the charging port: It’s important to resist the urge to use items like paper towels, cotton swabs, or toothpicks to absorb liquid from the charging port. These objects can leave behind fibers or debris, which can further obstruct the port and potentially cause a short circuit.
  3. Do not put your iPhone in a bag of rice: Despite popular belief, placing your wet iPhone 11 in a bag of rice is not an effective drying method. Rice has limited water-absorbing capabilities, and it cannot remove moisture from hard-to-reach areas like the charging port. It’s best to follow the proper steps mentioned earlier to dry your device.

“Using an external heat source or inserting foreign objects into the charging port can cause more harm than good.”

If you find yourself in a situation where you urgently need to charge your wet iPhone, you can override the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message temporarily by removing and re-inserting the charging cable. However, it’s important to note that using the charger while the iPhone is still wet can lead to permanent damage, so it’s best to exercise caution and wait until your device is completely dry.

If possible, consider using a wireless charger after ensuring the back of your device is dry. This can help prevent any potential damage to the charging port and provide a convenient way to power up your iPhone without the need for cables.

Remember, liquid damage is not covered under warranty, so it’s essential to take proper care when drying your iPhone 11’s charging port. By following these instructions and avoiding actions that can cause further damage, you can increase the chances of restoring connectivity and ensuring the longevity of your device.

Actions to Avoid Reasons
Drying with external heat source or compressed air Potential damage to internal components and pushing liquid further into the charging port
Inserting foreign objects Risk of leaving debris or obstructing the charging port, leading to potential short circuits
Placing in a bag of rice Ineffective at removing moisture from the charging port and other hard-to-reach areas

Override the “Liquid Detected” Message Temporarily

In case you require immediate charging for your wet iPhone 11, there is a temporary workaround to override the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message. By following these steps, you can bypass the notification and charge your device:

  1. Disconnect your iPhone 11 from any cables.
  2. Remove the charging cable from the charging port.
  3. Wait for a few seconds, then re-insert the charging cable firmly into the port.
  4. If prompted with the “Allow this device to access photos and videos?” message, tap “Allow.”
  5. You should now be able to charge your iPhone 11, even if it is wet.

Important Note:

While this method can temporarily override the notification, it is crucial to remember that using the charger while the iPhone is wet can lead to permanent damage. It is highly recommended to ensure the charging port is completely dry before connecting any cables.

If you are unable to override the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message, it is best to continue drying your iPhone 11 using the previous steps mentioned in this guide. Allow your device sufficient time to dry before attempting to charge it again.

Remember, taking proper care to dry your charging port is essential to prevent further damage. Liquid damage is not covered under warranty, so it is crucial to follow the recommended steps and avoid any actions that may harm your device.

Consider Wireless Charging and Warranty Coverage

If you have access to a wireless charger, it’s advisable to use this method after ensuring the back of your iPhone 11 is completely dry. Wireless charging can be a safer alternative to using a wired charger when your device has been exposed to moisture. To prevent any potential damage, it’s crucial to ensure that the back of your iPhone is thoroughly dried before placing it on a wireless charging pad.

Wireless charging works by transferring power from the charging pad to your iPhone’s battery without the need for a physical connection. This means that there’s no risk of liquid causing a short circuit or damaging the charging port. However, it’s essential to note that wireless charging may not be as fast as using a wired charger, so it’s recommended to use this method when you have some time available.

While wireless charging can be a convenient option, it’s important to remember that liquid damage is not covered under warranty. Apple’s warranty explicitly states that any damage caused by liquid exposure, including to the charging port, is not eligible for free repairs or replacements. Therefore, it’s crucial to take proper care of your device and follow the recommended drying techniques to protect it from potential damage.

Do: Don’t:
  • Dry your iPhone in a dry area with good airflow.
  • Use a wireless charger if available.
  • Take proper care of your device to prevent liquid damage.
  • Use external heat sources to dry your iPhone.
  • Insert foreign objects into the charging port.
  • Rely on rice as a drying method.


Properly drying the charging port of your iPhone 11 is crucial in avoiding potential damage and ensuring the continued functionality of your device. Remember to take proper care and follow the recommended steps to prevent any liquid damage.

To dry your iPhone 11’s charging port, start by disconnecting it from any cables, including the wired charger. Gently tap the phone with the Lightning connector facing downward to coax out any liquid. Then, leave the phone in a dry area with sufficient airflow for at least 30 minutes. Connect it to a Lightning cable or accessory to check if the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message still appears. If it persists, repeat the steps and allow your iPhone to dry for a longer period, up to 24 hours.

Avoid using external heat sources or compressed air to dry your iPhone, as these actions can potentially damage the device. Similarly, do not insert foreign objects like paper towels or cotton swabs into the charging port. And despite popular belief, putting your iPhone in a bag of rice is not an effective drying method.

If you need to charge your wet iPhone 11 urgently, you can temporarily override the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message by removing and re-inserting the charging cable. However, it’s important to note that using the charger while the iPhone is still wet can cause permanent damage.

If available, consider using a wireless charger after ensuring the back of your iPhone 11 is dry. It’s also essential to remember that liquid damage is not covered under warranty, so taking proper care to dry your charging port is crucial.


Q: Will drying my iPhone 11’s charging port fix the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message?

A: Drying your iPhone 11’s charging port can help fix the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message. Follow the step-by-step guide provided to properly dry the charging port and test if the message still appears.

Q: How long should I leave my iPhone 11 in a dry area to dry the charging port?

A: It is recommended to leave your iPhone 11 in a dry area with sufficient airflow for at least 30 minutes. If the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message persists, you may need to repeat the drying process for up to 24 hours.

Q: Can I use external heat sources or compressed air to dry my iPhone 11’s charging port?

A: No, using external heat sources or compressed air to dry your iPhone 11’s charging port can cause damage to the device. It is important to follow the recommended drying methods outlined in the step-by-step guide.

Q: Should I put my iPhone 11 in a bag of rice to dry the charging port?

A: No, putting your iPhone 11 in a bag of rice is not recommended as a drying method. It is best to follow the step-by-step guide provided to properly dry the charging port and avoid potential damage to the device.

Q: Can I charge my wet iPhone 11 by overriding the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message?

A: You can temporarily override the “liquid detected in Lightning connector” message by removing and re-inserting the charging cable. However, using the charger while the iPhone is wet can cause permanent damage. It is recommended to follow the drying process and use a wireless charger if available.

Q: Is liquid damage covered under warranty?

A: No, liquid damage is not covered under warranty. It is essential to take proper care and follow the step-by-step guide provided to prevent damage to your iPhone 11’s charging port.

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