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Home » Guide: How to Remove Words from Autocorrect iPhone

Guide: How to Remove Words from Autocorrect iPhone

how to remove words from autocorrect iphone

Are you tired of constantly battling with autocorrect on your iPhone? Learn how to remove specific words from autocorrect and take control of your typing experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • To remove words from the iPhone predictive text, you can reset the keyboard dictionary or use an alternative keyboard like Swype.
  • Resetting the keyboard dictionary removes all suggestions, while Swype allows for the removal of individual words from the predictive suggestion box.
  • To reset the keyboard dictionary, go to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Keyboard Dictionary.
  • To enable Auto-Correction, go to Settings > General > Keyboard and turn on Auto-Correction.
  • Predictive text can be turned on or off by touching and holding the globe icon or smile emoji, then tapping Keyboard Settings and turning Predictive on or off.
  • Customize text replacement by going to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement and add or remove shortcuts and phrases.

Now that you know how to remove unwanted words from your autocorrect on iPhone, you can type with confidence and avoid frustrating typos.

Resetting the Keyboard Dictionary

To remove all the suggested words from your autocorrect feature, you can reset the keyboard dictionary on your iPhone. This will allow you to start fresh and customize your autocorrect settings according to your preferences. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on General.
  3. Find and tap on Reset.
  4. Tap on Reset Keyboard Dictionary.
  5. You will be prompted to enter your passcode if you have one set up.
  6. Confirm the reset by tapping on Reset Dictionary.

Once the keyboard dictionary is reset, all the suggested words that have been previously stored will be removed. This means that you will need to retrain your autocorrect by manually typing in the words you use frequently. Although this process might seem time-consuming, it can help improve the accuracy of your autocorrect suggestions.

Alternatively, if you don’t want to lose all your predictive words and prefer to remove specific ones, you can consider using an alternative keyboard like Swype. Swype allows you to customize the autocorrect suggestion box by removing individual words that you find unnecessary or incorrect. This way, you have more control over the words that appear while you’re typing.

Using Swype as an Alternative Keyboard

  1. Download and install the Swype keyboard from the App Store.
  2. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and go to General > Keyboard.
  3. Tap on Keyboards and then Add New Keyboard.
  4. Select Swype from the list of available keyboards.
  5. Tap on Swype and enable Allow Full Access.
  6. Return to your text input screen and tap on the globe icon to switch to the Swype keyboard.
  7. Now, when you’re typing, you can swipe left on a suggestion in the autocorrect bar to remove it from the list.

By following these steps, you can either reset the keyboard dictionary to remove all the suggested words or use an alternative keyboard like Swype to remove specific words from the autocorrect suggestion box. Customize your autocorrect settings and enjoy a more personalized typing experience on your iPhone.

Step Actions
1 Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
2 Scroll down and tap on General.
3 Find and tap on Reset.
4 Tap on Reset Keyboard Dictionary.
5 You will be prompted to enter your passcode if you have one set up.
6 Confirm the reset by tapping on Reset Dictionary.

Alternative Keyboards: Using Swype

If you don’t want to lose all your predictive words, consider using an alternative keyboard like Swype, which provides more flexibility in removing specific words from autocorrect. Swype is a popular keyboard app that allows you to swipe your finger across the screen to type words quickly and accurately. It also offers a wide range of customization options to suit your typing preferences.

To remove specific words from autocorrect using Swype, follow these steps:

  1. Download and install the Swype app from the App Store.
  2. Open the Settings app on your iPhone and go to General > Keyboard.
  3. Tap on Keyboards, then Add New Keyboard, and select Swype from the list of available keyboards.
  4. Once Swype is added, select it as the default keyboard.
  5. Open any app that requires typing, and the Swype keyboard will appear.
  6. To remove a specific word from autocorrect, simply swipe your finger over the word on the keyboard. Swype will automatically learn your preference and stop suggesting that word in the future.

With Swype, you have more control over your autocorrect settings and can easily remove words that you find unnecessary or annoying. It’s a great alternative keyboard option for iPhone users who want a more personalized typing experience.

Benefits of Using Swype:
+ Provides flexibility in removing specific words from autocorrect
+ Allows fast and accurate typing through swiping
+ Offers customization options for a personalized typing experience

By following these steps and utilizing alternative keyboards like Swype, you can easily remove specific words from autocorrect on your iPhone and enjoy a more seamless typing experience.

Enabling Auto-Correction

Enable the auto-correction feature in your iPhone’s settings to receive accurate word suggestions as you type. To do this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Tap on General.
  3. Scroll down and select Keyboard.
  4. Toggle on the Auto-Correction option.

Once you have enabled auto-correction, your iPhone’s keyboard will provide suggestions for correcting any typos or misspelled words as you type. This feature is especially useful in helping you improve your typing speed and accuracy.

Additionally, you can also turn on or off the predictive text feature, which suggests complete words or phrases based on what you’re typing. To access this setting, simply touch and hold the globe icon or smile emoji on your keyboard, tap on Keyboard Settings, and toggle the Predictive option on or off.

By enabling these features, you can enhance your typing experience on your iPhone and ensure that you have accurate word suggestions and predictive text at your fingertips.

Settings Description
Auto-Correction Enables the auto-correction feature, which suggests corrections for misspelled words.
Predictive Turns on or off the predictive text feature, which suggests complete words or phrases as you type.

Managing Predictive Text

Take control of your predictive text by adjusting the settings to meet your needs. The iPhone offers customizable options for predictive text, allowing you to personalize the autocorrect suggestions according to your preferences.

To manage predictive text on your iPhone, follow these simple steps:

  1. Unlock your iPhone and open the Settings app.
  2. Scroll down and tap on General.
  3. Tap on Keyboard.
  4. Toggle the switch next to Predictive to turn it on or off.

Enabling predictive text allows your iPhone to display word suggestions as you type. This can be helpful for faster and more accurate typing. However, if you find it distracting or prefer to rely solely on your own typing skills, you can easily turn off predictive text.

By adjusting the predictive text settings, you can customize your iPhone’s autocorrect feature to work exactly how you want it to. Whether you want to disable autocorrect altogether, fine-tune the suggestions, or add your own words to the dictionary, the settings are in your hands.

Setting Function
Enable Predictive Toggle to turn on or off the predictive text feature.
Add to Text Replacement Create shortcuts for frequently used phrases or words.
Reset Keyboard Dictionary Removes all learned words and starts fresh with autocorrect settings.

With these options at your disposal, you can optimize your iPhone’s autocorrect to best suit your needs. Whether you’re a quick typist who appreciates the assistance or a meticulous writer who prefers full control, managing predictive text on your iPhone ensures a smoother and more personalized typing experience.

Customizing Text Replacement

Make your texting experience more efficient by customizing text replacement on your iPhone. With the ability to add or remove shortcuts and phrases, you can streamline your typing and save time. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Scroll down and tap on General.
  3. Select Keyboard.
  4. Tap on Text Replacement.

Once you’re in the Text Replacement settings, you can start customizing the shortcuts and phrases to suit your needs. To add a new shortcut, simply tap on the “+” button at the top right corner of the screen.

Shortcut Phrase
omw On my way!
brb Be right back.
ty Thank you!

This table shows a few examples of commonly used shortcuts and their corresponding phrases. By creating personalized shortcuts for frequently used phrases, you can quickly insert them into your messages without typing out the entire phrase.

Removing Text Replacement

If you want to remove a specific shortcut or phrase from the text replacement list, follow these steps:

  1. Go back to the Text Replacement settings.
  2. Swipe left on the shortcut or phrase you want to delete.
  3. Tap on Delete.

By customizing text replacement on your iPhone, you can enhance your typing speed and accuracy. Whether it’s adding shortcuts for frequently used phrases or removing outdated ones, these settings give you more control over your messaging experience. Take advantage of this feature and enjoy a more efficient way to communicate on your iPhone.


By following these steps, you can regain control over your autocorrect and ensure more accurate and efficient typing on your iPhone.

Resetting the Keyboard Dictionary

To remove words from the iPhone predictive text box, you can reset the keyboard dictionary through the settings. Unfortunately, Apple doesn’t allow for the individual removal of single words. To reset the keyboard dictionary, go to the iPhone’s settings, tap on General, scroll down to Reset, and then tap on Reset Keyboard Dictionary. This will remove all suggestions.

Alternative Keyboards: Using Swype

If you don’t want to lose all your predictive words, you can use a different keyboard like Swype, which allows for the removal of individual words from the predictive suggestion box.

Enabling Auto-Correction

To turn on Auto-Correction, open the Settings app, tap General > Keyboard, and turn on Auto-Correction.

Managing Predictive Text

Predictive text can also be turned on or off by touching and holding the globe icon or smile emoji and tapping Keyboard Settings, then turning Predictive on or off.

Customizing Text Replacement

Text replacement can be set up by going to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement, where you can add or remove shortcuts and phrases.


Q: How can I remove words from the iPhone autocorrect feature?

A: To remove words from the iPhone autocorrect feature, you can either reset the keyboard dictionary or use an alternative keyboard like Swype.

Q: How do I reset the keyboard dictionary on my iPhone?

A: To reset the keyboard dictionary on your iPhone, go to Settings, tap on General, scroll down to Reset, and then tap on Reset Keyboard Dictionary. This will remove all suggestions.

Q: Is it possible to remove individual words from the autocorrect suggestion box?

A: Unfortunately, Apple does not allow for the individual removal of single words from the autocorrect suggestion box. However, using an alternative keyboard like Swype can provide this functionality.

Q: Can I turn on auto-correction on my iPhone?

A: Yes, you can turn on auto-correction on your iPhone by opening the Settings app, tapping General > Keyboard, and turning on Auto-Correction. This feature will suggest the correct words as you type.

Q: How do I manage predictive text on my iPhone?

A: To manage predictive text on your iPhone, you can touch and hold the globe icon or smile emoji, then tap Keyboard Settings. From there, you can turn predictive text on or off according to your preference.

Q: Can I customize text replacement on my iPhone?

A: Yes, you can customize text replacement on your iPhone by going to Settings > General > Keyboard > Text Replacement. You can add or remove shortcuts and phrases as needed.

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